Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Signal Arrive!

As a boy growing up in South Florida, my mind was always hounded by thoughts of Pirates, Ships and Pirate Treasures! Pirate lore always intrigued me and for the most part, forgetting the fact that Pirates were not well liked by honest folks and were looked upon as thieves and robbers and smelly nasty Cretans, I still envied the freedom and adventure that the stories portrayed about them.

For some of those who know me well, I guess to some degree, they know that my spirit is that of a Pirate, not the "law-breaking part" but the freedom part.

Shortly after I married, my life became entangled in a career that carried me all over the globe, embedding me in mystery and intrigue, but I NEVER felt free. I was away from my family, working in a very stressful job, full of long hours, long journeys, no free time to enjoy the world in which I visited, and full of loneliness even among the many whom I shared those journeys with.

My heart was not content, my soul was restless and I was not where I felt like I needed to be.

Sometimes sitting in lonely hotel rooms I would venture upon an old Erol Flynn movie or a John Wayne flick such as Hatari, and envision being on the high seas aboard a tall sailing ship or in the African wilderness hunting big game. My mind would settle down and my thoughts would return to me...not my work, not my stress, and not those nasty things that were wearing a hole in my soul. And I would sleep. Sleep at times did not end my thoughts. My dreams, were sometimes even more intense than my waking thoughts, but for some reason, I knew that one day, I would be there, where I wanted to be, looking forward to my days, looking forward to waking up and not having to dream about adventure but living it every day.

One of the things I always will remember from my days in the White House and the Secret Service, working with the President in the field, was when Air Force One or HMX One landed and the front wheel touched down, the Trip Officer would always say "Arrive, Arrive, Signal Arrive". The Boss had made it, he was on the ground and ready to go. My heart always raced and I knew until he was safely back in the air, that we were gonna be busy and not sleep or eat or rest until it was done. I loved that part! It was an adventure! The adrenalin, the rush, like trying to catch a snake and not get bitten or wading in thigh deep water in the glades, not knowing what lurks beneath. That's an adventure!

There are several people who have contributed to me achieving my goals in my life. My wife, who through our almost 34 year marriage has put up with my long days, long weeks, long months and long years. Who has taken care of my children, running them here and their, coaching them, protecting them and nurturing them in times of my absence. My mother-in-law Eleanor Anderson, who graciously opened her home up to us and convinced us that an early out from the Federal Government would be worth it to live here on this wonderful island. And to my wonderful friends and employers, Mike and Cristina Denegre, for allowing me the opportunity to live my dream as a part of their team. I would have never been here, enjoying this chapter in my life as a Charter Captain and Guide if it were not for them. Thank you all.

Is this my "final destination"? I hope in a way that it is, but only as a long chapter in my life, no end in sight! I look forward to many more wonderful adventures. I still have many goals to achieve. But when all is said and done, my Pirate Soul has found contentment.

On this rainy day, sitting here in my bedroom going nuts from not having an assignment out on the waters of Estero Bay or in the wilderness of the Everglades, I once again dream and think, but not about others this time, but about my own adventures! My own South Florida Adventure, the one I live each and every day! "Arrive, Arrive, Signal Arrive!".

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