Sunday, June 12, 2011

June 12, 2011 "Dry Everglades Adventure!"

Another hot dry day in the Everglades today! If we have ever needed rain its now. We continue to lose the water and the airboats are skidding around on mud in a lot of places. Not sure how much longer the trails will remain open for the boats!

Rain is in the forecast for a few days next week, we will anxiously await it!

I hope you guys had a good time with me today. It was great having you aboard and I appreciate you choosing us for your morning adventure here in Southwest Florida.

Thank you all for being such good sports and I'm happy to have shared the Everglades with you. If you would like to help others with their decisions about how to spend their time while they are on their vacations please click on the link to "Trip Advisor - Everglades Adventure" on the right side of this blog and make a few comments. Trip Advisor is a wonderful place to read reviews and share reviews with others.

Thanks again. Gator D is headed out for another adventure so I got to run! SEE YOU LATER ALLIGATOR!

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