Saturday, September 25, 2010

September 24, 2010 "Everglades Adventure"

Well, back in the Everglades for a half day adventure today. What a great time! It has been over a week since I was here and I missed it bad! Thanks to folks from CANADA (That's in EUROPE!) and IRELAND, I was able to head down and once again get my fix of nature.

Those of you who know me are well aware of the fact that I am only normal when I am with the great outdoors! As I sat at the Holiday Inn last night after a great day in the 'glades, I realized that I really do like the solitude of nature much more than the hustle and bustle of a crowd. However, I can't stay gone forever!

Buster, the alligator that we are able to share up close and personal with our clients, is growing a lot now! During the winter he hardly ate, but now, he is really getting fed. He is now about 3.5 feet long and probably weighs about 12 pounds it seems! Soon, we will have to start working with the next one to get him into the mood to let folks hold him because Buster will be too big!

The airboat was full with my eight folks and another couple from Germany, so I was unable to join the crew on their ride. So, as always, I went searching for spiders, snakes, or anything else I could round up! And, to my surprise, a butterfly honored me with its presence for quite some time. I was entertained by this lovely creature for about 10 minutes during my wait for the airboat to return, and thoroughly enjoyed the company.

Anyway, for those of you who joined me today, I hope you had fun and I hope you enjoy the pics and videos of your adventure! You were a great group and for the "Birthday Boy", HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Motley Crew!

Cool Beans!

Insurance Picture!

Birthday Boy! We took the restraint off Busters mouth for this special shot! Whew, we got lucky! You all know what happened to that last guy! (P.S. he is finally out of the hospital and the Doctors say that he should regain use of 72% of his hand and after some reconstruction his nose will not look like a squished banana anymore!)

"I can't believe I have a pair of shoes made out of one of these!"

"What kind of batteries does it use?"

"Hmmmm, so, is this a boy or a girl?"

"I'll Be Back!"

"Man wouldn't this look good strapped to the back of my Harley?"

"Does it REALLY taste just like chicken?"

"Mine, Mine, Mine!"

"So, is that a light pole sticking out of your head, or are you just happy to see me?"

"Spank Me!"

1 comment:

  1. we had a great time we actually retained some information from your lecture...thanks again we will recommend to others when we feel like feeding more gators!!haha

